CARE Hawaii
We are here for you
Our Story
Founded in 1999, CARE Hawaii, Inc. maintains a network of mental health professionals committed to best practices in service delivery. We offer outpatient mental health services to individuals with mental illness, developmental delays, and substance-related issues.

About Us
Our vision is for every child, adolescent, adult, and their family/significant other in Hawaii will have the maximum opportunity to reach their potential in all spheres of their lives.
Our mission is to provide comprehensive behavioral health services throughout Hawaii for the physical, emotional, social, spiritual, recreational, and educational development of consumers and their families/significant others.
Our philosophy of treatment and services is that of empowering all clients and their families/significant others with skills to successfully meet the challenges of growth and development.

Meet the Executives
Brian Morton
Genevieve Ayin
Chief Financial Officer &
Chief Administrative Officer -
Stephen Choy
Chief Technology Officer
Felicia Panoncialman
Chief Compliance Officer
Rolly Ganir
Business Development
Harris Ogitani
Audit Director
Dr. Joseph Giannasio
Medical Director