Adult Services
Case Management and Outpatient Therapeutic Program Services
Community Based Case Management (CBCM) / Community Care Services (CCS)
CBCM/CCS is for seriously mentally ill individuals who need recovery-focused treatment and supportive interventions to gain access to necessary services. This program is available 24 hours a day, every day. The goals of this program are for maximum reduction of psychiatric symptoms and optimal development of community living skills. CBCM/CCS is often used as a “step down” program for individuals discharged from community and state psychiatric hospitals. It may also be used to serve persons at risk of psychiatric hospitalization. These services are offered on the islands of Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, and Kauai.
Services include:
Psychiatric care that prescribes and monitors medications for individuals to assist in the management of mental health issues.
Nursing care to ensure that medication regimes are providing maximum support as well as to ensure that basic health needs are met.
Case management to assist individuals to find and/or maintain stable housing in the community, maximize entitlements for food and benefits, access needed services, and manage the challenges of living in the community with a mental illness.
Case Management After Hours Numbers
West Hawaii: (808) 331-2273
East Hawaii, Kauai, and Maui: (808) 326-7828
Oahu: (808) 537-2273
Oahu CCS After Hours Support Line: (808) 764-3366
Monday–Friday: 4:00pm–8:00am
Weekends and Holidays: 24 Hours
Day Treatment
The Day Treatment program focuses on treatment, relapse prevention, and recovery for individuals with serious mental illness and addiction concerns. Day Treatment provides the consumer with the opportunity to participate in a structured therapeutic program while being able to reside in the community. Activities include but are not limited to, group counseling, education, skill building, recreational therapy, and family services.
Community Integration Services (CIS)
Community Integration Services provides housing supports to help reduce homelessness and increase housing stability. CIS is a Medicaid reimbursable service available to quest integration members who are eligible and experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. Services include pre and post tenancy supports intended to help consumers attain and maintain safe affordable housing. CIS does not cover most housing expenses. CIS assists consumers in becoming fully integrated members of the community as well as achieving improved health outcomes and life satisfaction.
Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)
The Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) is a medically supervised program that offers comprehensive, therapeutically intensive, coordinated, and structured clinical services. PHP consists of a series of face-to-face therapeutic sessions organized at various levels of intensity and frequency. PHP is designed for persons who are experiencing increased symptomatology, disturbances in behavior, or other conditions that negatively impact the mental or behavioral health of the person served. PHP focuses on coping skills, crisis stabilization, symptom/medication management, and skill building to help the consumer maintain themselves in the community. PHP can offer extra support for consumers at risk of hospitalization or who have frequent hospitalizations.
This program provides graduates of the Day Treatment Program group and/or individual therapy and psycho- educational activities focused on maintaining and strengthening the person’s recovery and relapse prevention skills.

Adult Residential Services
The Adult residential services consist of 4 levels of care:
Specialized Residential Services Population (SRSP)
The SRSP is a long-term (up to 6 months) residential program for adults with serious mental illness and or adults with serious mental illness who may also have co-occurring alcohol and other drug problems, Services of the program may provide an individual an alternative to admission into the Hawaii State Hospital or a community setting for those recently discharged from the Hawaii State Hospital. The residential program offers individualized services tailored to each resident’s needs with respect and support for the individual’s choice. The individual’s participation in treatment planning helps achieve the goal of increased independent functioning in community living and work settings. The SRSP is staffed by a registered nurse and mental health workers. Clinical supervision is provided by a licensed Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP), Nursing Director, and Medical Director. The program supports up to eight male and/or female adults and is located on Oahu. Referrals to the SRSP are received from various mental health agencies and hospitals in the community through case managers and social workers. The SRSP continuum of care includes the following components: observation, monitoring, and treatment twenty- four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. Individual and group programming and activities are provided to facilitate recovery and assist the consumer to live successfully in the community, maintain an abstinent lifestyle, regain employment, develop and maintain social relationships, or independently participate in social, interpersonal, community, and peer support activities to increase community stability.
Therapeutic Living Program (TLP)
The TLP is a long-term (up to 6 months) residential program for adults with severe and persistent mental illness, who do not need the care of a specialized treatment facility. The primary goal of the program is to assist consumers in meeting their basic needs until they can transition into a more independent living option of their choice. Support is flexible, focused, and based on recovery. Services include but are not limited to, assessments; development and implementation of individualized services plans; coordination and linkage to activities in the community including clubhouses, psychosocial rehabilitation programs, and vocational rehabilitation. Consumers are encouraged to participate in social and recreational activities. Additional services may include restorative therapy, recreational therapy, assistance with activities of daily living, individual and group skill building, and other activities which support healthy living. The TLP is staffed by a registered nurse and mental health technician. Clinical supervision is provided by a licensed Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP), Nursing Director, and Medical Director. The program supports up to eight male and/or female adults and is located on Oahu. Referrals to the TLP are received from various mental health agencies and hospitals in the community through case managers and social workers.
24-Hour Group Home
The 24-Hour Group Home provides services to individuals with severe and persistent mental illness. The primary goal of the housing program is to facilitate consumers’ transition throughout the residential continuum to a more permanent and independent living option of their choice. Support is flexible, focused, and based on recovery. Services include but are not limited to: housing assessments; development and implementation of master treatment/services plans; and coordination and linkage to activities in the community including clubhouses, psychosocial rehabilitation programs, and vocational opportunities. Consumers are encouraged to participate in social and recreational activities. The 24-hour group home is staffed by a mental health technician twenty-four hours a day. Quarterly clinical supervision is provided by a licensed Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP), Nursing Director, and Medical Director. The program supports up to eight male and/or female adults and is located on the island of Oahu. Referrals to the 24-hour group home are received from various mental health agencies and hospitals in the community through case managers and social workers.
8-16 Group Home
The 8-16 Group Home provides services to individuals with severe and persistent mental illness. The primary goal of the services is to help the consumer master the necessary skills for independent living in the community. This housing service is designed to be individualized and is the least restrictive of the residential services. Activities include teaching, assisting, and supporting the consumer in the development and performance of daily, social, and interpersonal skills. Consumers are strongly encouraged to seek vocational training and continued adult college education. The staff works collaboratively with the consumer and designated case managers to facilitate the transition to independent living. The 8-16 Group home is staffed by a mental health technician for one eight-hour shift per day. Clinical supervision is provided by a licensed Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP), Nursing Director, and Medical Director. Referrals to the 8-16 Group home are received from various mental health agencies and hospitals in the community through case managers and social workers. The program supports up to eight male and/or female adults and is located on Oahu and the Island of Hawaii (Kona).
Personal Habilitation Services (PAB I, II & III) CLSI (Community Learning Service)
These services are to assist participants to meet health & safety needs, utilize community resources, and develop natural supports. Training is driven by goals related to increasing the participant’s capacity and independence to reside and/or participate in their home and community, and/or toward economic self-sufficiency.
CARE Hawaii, Inc. provides a wide array of statewide services for both youth and adult persons with developmental disabilities. Participants who meet the Department of Health- Developmental Disabilities Division eligibility criteria have access to training and consultation for individuals, Personal Assistance/Personal Habilitation Services (PAB I, II, III), Dietary Planning, Crisis Mobile Outreach, and 24 Hour Crisis Hotline, Emergency Shelter / Emergency Respite Services. These services are individualized to meet the needs of those with challenging behaviors. Services are available to those who meet the DD Medicaid Waiver Criteria through the Waiver Program. However, if an individual does not qualify for Medicaid Waiver, they can still receive the same services through Crisis Network Services Program. In accordance with CARE Hawaii’s philosophy of empowerment, the primary goal of these services is to support program participants to attain their highest possible level of self-determination.

Children’s Services
Child Adolescent Mental Health Division (CAMHD) - Youth CMO and Youth Addictions
The Child & Adolescent Mental Health Division (CAMHD) provides mental health services free of charge for eligible children and youth in Hawaii who have severe emotional and/or behavioral challenges. Services include assessment, case management, and an array of therapeutic supports provided in the home and community, or temporary out-of-home placements. We make every effort to provide culturally-sensitive, child- and family-centered services, and include the youth and family in all aspects of the service planning and treatment decisions.

Addiction Services
Federal UA Hotline
Toll Free: (877) 227-3808
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
CARE Hawaii offers services to all age groups and includes access to adjunct therapies that support recovery for the individual and family. We currently offer outpatient and intensive outpatient services for both adolescents and adults—an expanded array of services that include on-site assessments, co-occurring disorder services, and matching the client to the appropriate services. This is an innovative approach to treatment utilizing a science-based curriculum to improve treatment outcomes and maximizes services at a reduced cost without compromising quality and efficiency. The Intensive Outpatient program meets 3x a week for 3 hours per session with an individual/conjoint session scheduled as needed. Services typically span 12-16 weeks of an individualized program for the effective treatment of substance abuse and dependence disorders. CARE Hawaii, Inc. (“CARE”) Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) provides evidenced-based substance abuse treatment services. A continuum of care is offered through the following services which consist of Substance Abuse Assessments, Outpatient Services, Intensive Outpatient Services, and Continuing Care Services. Our goal is to reduce substance use and criminal activity by utilizing motivational interviewing techniques, social learning approaches, and cognitive-behavioral strategies while providing evidence-based, substance abuse services for consumers to enhance quality of life issues, restore and improve social functioning, and support the integration of consumers served in the community.
Dual Diagnosis Intensive Outpatient Program (DDIOP)
CARE Hawaii’s dual-diagnosis IOP treatment program is utilizing a state-of-the-art curriculum to provide a structured dual-diagnosed enhanced day program focused on treatment, relapse prevention, and recovery to adults diagnosed with substance abuse/dependence and mental health disorder. It provides each consumer with the opportunity to participate in a structured therapeutic program while residing in the community.
Adolescent Intensive Outpatient Program (Adolescent IOP)
The ADAD Adolescent IOP program is a 3-6 month Intensive Outpatient Program for adolescents between the ages of 12-18. The ADAD Adolescent IOP program provides Drug and Alcohol Assessments, Individual Counseling, Group Treatment (Process and Activity Groups), Family Component Education, Treatment Planning, Relapse Prevention, Case Management, Crisis Prevention, Discharge Planning, and Artistic Mentoring. The ADAD Adolescent IOP program is based on promoting alternative recreational activities, improving self-efficacy, and building social competence, as well as providing cultural experiences that will assist them in becoming positive responsible adults. Unique to the ADAD Adolescent IOP program is a graduation ceremony to showcase talents that will demonstrate the artistic achievements of the individual and acknowledge the successful completion of CARE Hawaii’s ADAD Adolescent IOP program.

Crisis Network Services
Statewide support for help with crisis, mental health, or substance abuse please contact
Hawaii CARES 988 at (808) 832-3100 or Toll-Free at (800) 753-6879. You can also call/text/chat to 988.
Emergency Shelter
This provides stabilization for individuals with challenging behaviors in a 24/7 awake-staffed environment. The facility is located on Oahu, but emergency services (Crisis Hotline, CMO, Crisis Shelter) are available to all DOH-DD Participants statewide. Criteria for shelter stay may include: a) medication stabilization b) threat to losing current placement due to ongoing history of challenging behaviors c) health & safety reasons (as defined by the assessor).
Crisis Network Training and Consultation Services
CARE facilitates meetings and trainings on various topics to serve DD individuals, agency providers, families, caregivers, and communities statewide. These services shall be provided to achieve an increased knowledge base and capacity of agency providers, families, and others to support the behavioral needs of individuals; development of mutual support networks; collaborative “best practices”; identification of issues impacting the behavioral needs of individuals. Trainings may be customized to meet specific agency needs, and are free of cost to attendees.
Crisis Support Management (CSM)
CSM services provide time-limited support and interventions to individuals who are in crisis and in need of necessary services and are not linked to a case manager. The goal of the program is to return consumers who have known or suspected mental health or substance abuse diagnosis to their pre-crisis state. Consumers are administered services at the request of the State of Hawaii’s Adult Mental Health Division. Services typically include assisting the individual in stabilizing community living and accessing needed services. Services are provided by crisis case managers with education, experience, and training in crisis stabilization. CSM provides services throughout Oahu, Kauai, and the island of Hawaii.
Licensed Crises Residential Services (LCRS)
The LCRS programs are short-term (up to two weeks) residential programs for adults who have a serious mental illness and are experiencing a crisis in managing their illness. CARE’s LCRS programs are located in Honolulu on Oahu and Hilo on the island of Hawaii. The LCRS is staffed 24/7 by a registered nurse and mental health workers trained in crisis management with continual consultation by a psychiatrist. The service provides ongoing monitoring of psychiatric symptoms, medication management, and behavioral stabilization.
The CARE Hawaii DD Crisis Network Services provides the following services:
Training and Consultation for Individuals
Training is driven by the provision of support to individuals and their circle of support to implement proactive strategies/interventions that will reduce challenging behaviors and preserve the individual's current living situation or program.
Adult Foster Homes
Care Hawaii, Inc.’s foster homes are designed for individuals with behavioral challenges to educate and facilitate program planning and support the foster family. Services are meant to increase independence with activities of daily living (ADLs), develop communication, social, recreational, and leisure skills, and/or enhance independent living, self-direction, and choice-making. This includes individually tailored supports that assist with the acquisition, retention, or improvement of skills.
24-Hour Crisis Hotline
The Crisis Hotline is for any individual who qualifies for services with DDD (those already accepted in the DD/Waiver and those waiting to get into the Waiver) who is about to experience an impending crisis or is experiencing a crisis situation.
Crisis Mobile Outreach (CMO)
CMO provides community-based services to individuals experiencing psychiatric and psychosocial emergencies, responding to emergencies with timely (within 45 minutes) face-to-face crisis stabilization services. Services are designed to assess the individual’s needs regarding the crisis he or she is experiencing and then ensure that a plan is implemented to assist the individual to be safe and to ensure the safety of the community. Individuals are referred to the CMO team by the Hawaii CARES 988 crisis line (808-832-3100). Services are provided by crisis workers with education, experience, and training in crisis intervention and management. CMO provides services throughout Oahu, Kauai, and the island of Hawaii.
If further intervention is needed, our Crisis Mobile Outreach team is dispatched to their location. A team member will arrive at the scene within 45 minutes. If home stabilization is not working, the assessor will determine the next level of care; such as our Crisis Shelter for stabilization, or a higher level of care (ie: hospitalization). The PRIMARY GOAL is to stabilize the situation within the home.

Confidentiality and Non-Discrimination
CARE Hawaii is committed to maintaining privacy and understands the importance of safeguarding the client’s personal health information. We are required by Federal Law to maintain the privacy of health information that identifies you or that could be used to identify you. Information regarding your health care is protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). We will not use or disclose personal health information without consent, except as described in our Notice of Privacy Practices.
No one shall be excluded from or be denied access to services only because of his/her race, color, age, sex, physical or mental handicap, religious creed, national origin, or political beliefs.